Life happens and then there is you, lots of scenarios lots of paths, lots of paths to follow, lots of water over stones as the water flows down the Nile River. As a people, all we can do is to adjust to our new normal adjust our attitudes for longer life and have a balance of happiness. Because we are our brother’s keeper of the gate, of each other and the planet. Age brings about changes which are called the cycle of life, not only physical but of the mind. At we have long had the ability to e-card our product with a large selection of all occasion greeting cards, you may add a title, comment, at the same ole price, no-hassle easy to use process. No stamps, no handwriting, no mail carrier, you don’t have to leave home, seconds to process, so you will not be late! PayPal, which will make it even more accessible for you during the holidays to connect with family and friends.
Daisy Kathleen Booker
- Dinner, theater…
- Christmas basketball
- Valentine 33
- Christmas Card
- Joy 001
- Happy New Year
- Valentine Day 22
- Valentine 60
- My world 3
- I’m pretty 2
- Artful beauty
- Hello again
- Valentine 42
- Pure gold
- December day
- Baby 1
- Baby shower